
Veterans And Their Families Are Being Denied Their Constitutional Right To Due Process

Like millions of veterans, I agreed to temporarily set aside our constitutional rights and protections during our enlistment or commission in the military and fall under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Our constitutional rights and protections were supposed to be restored when we were discharged. They were not. The Department of Veterans Affairs acts as the Worker’s Compensation provider for the [Read More…]


Federal Agencies Can And Do Lie

FOIA 5 USC 552(c) exempts information from disclosure.  For some national security (nuclear weapons – 91b radioactive material) & law enforcement content, the agency can legally lie to you about its nonexistence, 5 USC 552(c) – on top of Glomar (“can’t confirm or deny”) responses. To avoid both of these scenarios, exclusions authorize the agency to “treat the records as not subject to [Read More…]


Did the DoD force the US EPA to remove any reference to the radioactive contamination at George AFB?

Why did the US EPA, the agency charged with protecting the environment and public health, remove any reference to the radioactive contamination at George Air Force Base from its website? George AFB’s southeast disposal areas (SEDA) radioactive disposal site is only ¼ mile upstream of the supply wells for George AFB, Adelanto, private homes, and ranches, posed a significant threat to the local [Read More…]


Environmental Statutes and Executive Orders

The former Victorville Army Air Field/Victorville Air Force Base/George Air Force Base (George AFB) is a Superfund site (EPA ID: CA2570024453) and one of the most contaminated military bases in the country. The following is a list of Executive Orders and federal environmental laws most likely violated. Executive Orders EO 11258 –  on November 17, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Executive Order—Prevention, [Read More…]

An open letter from the Gomez Trial Attorneys to Senators Feinstein and Padilla

An open letter from the Gomez Trial Attorneys to Senators Feinstein and Padilla

Re: Robert Anderson, et al v. The United States of America 2:21-cv-09102-VAP-PD Dear Senators Feinstein and Padilla, We represent individuals and families whose lives have been devastated by our Nation’s failure to warn them of the dangers of exposure to hazardous materials and waste while they lived and/or worked on the former George Air Force Base. Unfortunately, these families are not alone. There [Read More…]

RAM Contamination vs Exposure

Is the VA defrauding atomic veterans of medical care and compensation for their SC injuries

Is the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) defrauding atomic veterans and their families of medical care and compensation for the veteran’s service-connected (SC) injuries? Over one hundred thousand military personnel and veterans were exposed to highly classified radioactive material from the Department of Defense’s (DoD) nuclear reactors or nuclear weapons or subjected to DoD or VA’s radiation research. See: military personnel and veterans [Read More…]


Cushman v. Shinseki, 576 F.3d 1290 (Fed. Cir. 2009)

In 2009, the Federal Circuit held in Cushman v. Shinseki that applicants for veterans‘ benefits have a constitutionally protected property interest in their application for benefits. Accordingly, such applicants are entitled to constitutionally prescribed procedures in connection with their claims for benefits under the terms of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Ninth Circuit also found that Mr. Cushman’s medical record had been [Read More…]

Primer On Federal Facility Compliance With Environmental Laws Where Do We Go From Here

Primer On Federal Facility Compliance With Environmental Laws: Where Do We Go From Here?

Look, Buster, don’t bug me with your crap about permits. I’m building nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, some of the worst [environmental] offenders are our own federal facilities. As President, I will insist that in the future federal agencies meet or exceed environmental standards: The government should live within the laws it imposes on others. Pollution caused by facilities owned or operated by various federal [Read More…]


DoDs Opportunity To Clean Up Its Hazardous Waste Act

ABSTRACT: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980 was enacted to address the serious problem of hazardous waste contamination in the United States. Although the program has achieved some success, it has failed to achieve its primary purpose – the permanent cleanup of inactive and abandoned hazardous waste sites. With the taxing authority of CERCLA set to expire on [Read More…]

sampling for perchlorate was unnecessary

DoD – Report to the Congress Perchlorate in the Southwestern United States

In 2005, the DoD/Air Force deliberately misled Congress about the possibility of perchlorate from George AFB contaminating the aquifer used for drinking and irrigation water. As early as 1982, the DoD knew that there were several sources for perchlorate contamination in the Southeast Disposal Area (SDEA). The SEDA is about a ¼ mile upstream of the drinking and irrigation water supply wells for [Read More…]

SAIC logo

SAIC Admits To Falsifying Radiological Testing Results At George AFB

In 1991, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) pleaded guilty to defrauding the government by falsifying testing of samples at DoD Superfund sites.  SAIC was responsible for the radiological testing done at George AFB’s Weapons Storage and Assembly Area (WSA) and radioactive disposal site (RW-09). Air Force acknowledged that it routinely withheld classified information and records about Buried Radioactive Weapons Maintenance Waste at its [Read More…]



The term “91(b)” refers to highly classified radioactive material (RAM) covered under Section 91(b) of the Atomic Energy Act (AEA) of 1954 associated with current nuclear weapons material, legacy nuclear weapons maintenance wastes, residuals from nuclear weapons accident/incidents, some residuals from atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, and residuals from nuclear reactor operations. 1.2.3. Installations located in the United States that possess residual 91(b) [Read More…]

January-June 1963 Inspections of Nuclear Activities at Manned Interceptor Squadrons

Nuclear Weapons at George AFB

George AFB was one of 35 bases that had Fighter Interceptor Squadrons with air-to-air nuclear weapons for stopping enemy bomber attacks.  Because the early generation nuclear weapons (non-sealed pit) required regular onsite maintenance, a considerable amount of radioactive contamination/waste would be generated during the polonium-beryllium (Po-Be) initiators’ replacement operation.  The Air Force has repeatedly denied that there were any nuclear weapons at George [Read More…]

Status of DOD Efforts to Address Drinking Water Contaminants Used in Firefighting Foam

2018-09-26 GAO – Status of DOD Efforts to Address Drinking Water Contaminants Used in Firefighting Foam

The GAO report “Status of DOD Efforts to Address Drinking Water Contaminants Used in Firefighting Foam” fails to address the known PFOA and PFOS contamination of the soil and groundwater at the DoD Superfund site George Air Force Base, CA “EPA Superfund ID: CA2570024453.” Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs or what is now called PFOA and PFOS) were detected as high as 5,396 parts per [Read More…]

Firefighting Foam in the SEDA
Drinking Water Supply Wells

George AFB’s Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) – PFAS

The Air Forced just released the test results for PFAS at private and municipal supply wells near the southeast corner of George AFB, where the production wells for George AFB were located.  ALL of the wells that were tested had detectable levels of PFAS, and one well exceeded the US EPA health advisory (HA) level of 70 ppt.  These results are significant because, [Read More…]

Scales Of Justice

Seeking Justice

When we (the injured) try to seek justice for our injuries through the courts, we are told that our case has no standing because of the Statute of Limitations, Feres Doctrine, and/or the sovereign immunity clause of the Federal Torts Claim Act (FTCA). How can the DOJ/DOD argue that the Statute of Limitations has expired when rogue employees within the DOD conspired to [Read More…]

CERCLA §120(h) - Deed Restrictions

1980-12-11 – CERCLA §120(h) Deed Restrictions – Special Nuclear Material

Because all activities supporting the nuclear defense program are highly classified to protect national security Congress included a provision in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) that requires the DOD to withhold information and records about Special Nuclear Material at its Superfund sites.  This requirement creates a unique set of problems for the DOD; Federal, State, and Local regulators when trying [Read More…]


We are the men and women of the U.S. Military

We enlisted or were commissioned in the military to protect the United States. If necessary, we agreed to sacrifice our bodies or lay down our lives to protect the country we loved. We did NOT agree to be needlessly poisoned by the government we swore to protect, and we certainly did NOT agree to the poisoning of our spouses and children. In most [Read More…]

Caution Hazardous Chemicals Sign
Burn Pits

George AFB’s Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP)

Victorville Army Airfield / George Air Force Base (AFB) used organochlorine pesticides, before they were banned, to protect its buildings against termites and other pests. The following pesticides and their breakdown products were detected under and around the George AFB Family Housing: aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, and lindane. The levels of aldrin, dieldrin, and chlordane and their breakdown products were so [Read More…]

Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)

Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) – radioactive material (RAM)

Fourteen of the forty Air Force bases that were closed and transferred or are in the process of being transferred to the public are potentially contaminated with highly classified 91 (b) radioactive material (RAM), and seven are in CA. Forty-six Air Force bases reported having radioactive disposal sites and nine of these Air Force bases were former Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) sites. “Burial [Read More…]

Main Gate George AFB

Is George AFB the Air Force’s Camp Lejeune?

Is the former George Air Force Base, CA, “EPA Superfund ID: CA2570024453, ″ the Air Force’s Camp Lejeune?  Yes! Some people have asked why it is taking so long to get help for the families of George AFB.  At some point, senior management within the DOD made a decision that it was more important to cover up the problem at its contaminated bases than [Read More…]

Radioactive Waste Disposal Site at George AFB SEDA
Burn Pits

– George AFB’s Weapons Storage and Assembly Area and Southeast Disposal Area

The Southeast Disposal Area’s RW-09 radioactive disposal site is physically located about a ¼ mile upstream of the Drinking Water Supply Wells for George AFB, Adelanto, CA, several homes, and the former Victor Valley Country Club.  Unfortunately, the groundwater flows northeast from the SEDA, directly toward these drinking water supply wells.  This created a potential exposure to tens of thousands of civilians, and military [Read More…]

George AFB HTRW Sites Lahontan RWQCB

George AFB’s Hazardous Toxic and Radioactive Waste Sites

Potential Contaminants of Concern at the former George Air Force Base, CA, “EPA Superfund ID: CA2570024453” Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM), Aviation [Avgas], Benzene, Chlordane, Diesel, Explosives (UXO, MEC) [Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) / Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC)], Gasoline, Heating Oil / Fuel Oil, MTBE / TBA / Other Fuel Oxygenates, Munitions Debris (MD), Nitrate, Other Insecticides [Dieldrin] / Pesticide / Fumigants / Herbicides, Other [Read More…]

Danger Non-Potable Water
Drinking Water Supply Wells

Industrial Waste – Completed Exposure Pathways

From 1965 to 1 December 1981 (16 years), the Air Force dumped 5,578,400 gallons of industrial waste containing known carcinogens into the sanitary sewer, which emptied into the sewage treatment plant (STP), and the STP discharged directly into the STP’s percolation ponds. However, the Air Force determined that the unlined percolation ponds, the soil, and the groundwater were NOT contaminated based on one [Read More…]

DoD’s Breach of Trust

DoD’s Breach of Trust

Because the Department of Defense (DoD) has not acknowledged (concealed) the true nature and extent of the environmental contamination at the former George AFB and its Completed Exposure Pathways (CEP): Doctors cannot treat the toxic exposures of base personnel and family members. Military personnel are being defrauded of their Medical Discharge, Military Pension, and medical care (TRICARE). Military personnel’s family members are being [Read More…]


DoD’s Culpability For Contamination

I am trying to document when the Department of Defense (DoD) knew or suspected it had a problem with environmental contamination at its facilities, installations, or bases. To do this, I am trying to find the earliest DoD records that address specific environmental contamination or health hazards at the DoD’s installations. e.g., Radiation, Trichloroethylene, Burn pits, Incinerators, and … Burn pits or incinerators [Read More…]

Photo of flowers

George AFB’s Children

  I have received dozens of personal accounts about miscarriages, stillbirths, birth defects, and childhood cancers at George Air Force Base.  Here are some excerpts from these accounts: “When I arrived at the base [George AFB] in Oct 81, they told us during our inbrief that there was a high infant mortality rate and females should consider NOT getting pregnant while assigned there.” G. [Read More…]

Domestic Water Supply Wells
Drinking Water Supply Wells

Drinking Water – Completed Exposure Pathways

George Air Force Base’s contaminated drinking water provided a Completed Exposure Pathway (CEP) Supply wells → water → civilians, military personnel and their family members, and surrounding community This contaminated drinking water provided the following “Completed Exposure Pathways” Ingestion: Drinking water, cooking Dermal Contact: bathing, showering, swimming pool, occupational exposures Inhalation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs): showering, swamp coolers The Department of Defense (DOD) and Air Force [Read More…]

Logo BOP No Deed – Transfer Document Is Not Public Information

Victorville Federal Correctional Complex

If you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) requires the Air Force to make full disclosure of known and suspected contaminants when the property is transferred.  Why are the Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force (AF), and Bureau of Prisons (BOP) blocking the release of the Deed Restrictions for Parcel K? Victorville [Read More…]

Due Diligence

Due Diligence

What city or company would lease or buy property on a Superfund Site (George Air Force Base, CA), potentiality exposing their employees to toxic contamination, and opening the door to years of litigation? The George AFB CERCLA §120(h) Deed Restrictions The Army and/or Air Force used organochlorine pesticide to protect the older buildings’ (pre-1988) foundations against ground termites and other pests at George [Read More…]