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George AFB Health Registry

Sherilynn Garlick

I lived on George Air Force Base as a child from 1980 to 1984 and have tons of the listed ailments and my family does as well. My brother was also born there around 1981 and has had multiple health problems all his life…I wonder if this is worth looking into…I just remember playing in the desert and the dirt and ditches there… [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Carl L. Mitchell

Stephanie Mitchell set a precedent by winning a Department of Veterans Administration (DVA) claim for survivor benefits because of her husband’s repeated and prolonged exposure to trichloroethylene (TCE) at George AFB. “Service connection for the cause of the Veteran’s death is granted on a primary basis as the evidence shows that it was directly related to military service.” My name is Stephanie, and [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

M. D.

My name is M. D. I was an AF wife at George AFB for 7 years, late 1968 through late 1975. We lived in Adelanto through most of my first pregnancy. I nearly miscarried in the 6th month and spent at least 1 week confined to bed at the base hospital. After my first son was born we continued to live in Adelanto [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Martin Rigg

My name is Martin Rigg, I was stationed at George Air Force Base from 1971-1972 and lived in the enlisted barracks across the street from the Airman’s Club. I worked in the 35th CES Fire Department George AFB CA and I just recently learned about the nuclear waste on the base.  As part of my training I put out fires in the burn [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Yvette Allen

My name is Yvette Allen, I lived on George as a dependent from 1973 to 1982 we lived on Montana Street we drank plenty of water, played in the dirt and took lots and lots of baths in that water. My mother got Cancer first Lung Cancer she was in remission twice but during one remission my father was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Lisa McCrea

My name is  Lisa McCrea, I arrived at GAFB a normal, healthy woman in 1987 but, certainly didn’t leave that way. I suffered a horrible miscarriage with my first pregnancy and nearly died at 4 months pregnant.I was one of the women sent home to bleed out. I had to have emergency surgery to stop the bleeding and they found that my uterus [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Lorie Clark

My name is Lorie Clark, I was stationed at George AFB from 1980-1983. I lived in base housing from 1981-1983. My husband at the time and two daughters lived there. One was born at the hospital and the other in Apple Valley. I have the following health issues: Low Thyroid (hypothyroidism) and medicated for life, Endometriosis, Uterine and Breast Fibroids, Raynaud’s Syndrome, Migraines, Osteopenia [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

D. G.

My name is D. G., I lived at George AFB as a child of an active duty soldier. I lived there from 83 to 91, at 238 Oregon St. I/m 36 years of age and suffer from equilibrium/balance issues. Uneven hearing loss, tinnitus, migraines, depression, and anxiety. No one in my family suffers from all these issues. The current hypothesis is that I have [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Brigitte Leehr

My name is Brigitte Leehr (Jones), I lived on George AFB from 1976 – 1979.  I was a dependent child and we lived on base housing during those years. We were deployed to Lakenheath England in 1979 and within a few months I became ill and was diagnosed with cancer of the Appendix. I was 17 years old. Throughout my 20’s I suffered [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Donna Lenz

My husband has also had Esophageal and prostate cancer. And we lost a child to anencephaly. He was based here, then onto Phu Cat. He got the toxins from everywhere!

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George AFB Health Registry

Cheryl J. Wolford-Stamps-Carter

My sister and I were born on George’s Air Force base in 1955 and 1954 respectively. My father Wolford last name was enlisted. My Mother was Beverly. They were married. She died of liver disease I was told. I am concerned for my family history is sketchy and this web page makes me wonder. We were in the housing on GAB until I [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Larry P. Campos

I was stationed at George Air Force Base from 1969 thru 1973, with a tour of South East Asia in between. I was a crew chief on F4 Phantoms. In 2005, I was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and chronic emphysema. I turned in a claim to V/A for exposure too aircraft fumes, Agent Orange, and other toxic solutions. I never [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Connie Curry

I lived at George from 77 to 80 with my family they were young kids at that time. There were always problems with the water. they would shut it off with no notice, then turn it back on it and it would be dirty. This caused a lot of problems with laundry. Also had an ant problem. They would spray the heck out [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Tommy Jacobs

My family was stationed on George AFB in the early to mid seventies. my mom now has multiple sclerosis (MS) and was diagnosed in 1990. but the drs said she had it for a very long time is it possible the her MS was caused by exposure at George AFB back then? Tommy Jacobs

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George AFB Health Registry


My dad was stationed there GAFB in 70 – 73, I was 13 and up. I had a total hysterectomy with endometriosis and bilateral mastectomies for breast cancer. I have been ill for many years and many of my family have been ill. Long story

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George AFB Health Registry

Raymond Cook

I was stationed there from 1966-1969. During my stay my wife had a stillborn and two miscarriages. Prior to that we had no problems and 5 years after that we had a healthy little girl with no problems. We of course had no warnings and at that time it was just considered our problem. I was not aware of problems until 6 months [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

C. Wilkinson

I arrived in Fall of 1984 and I had heard from people that they were telling women not to get pregnant. So when I got pregnant in 1985 I was told by the doctor at 4 weeks to not get attached because I was going to lose my baby. I bled through my entire pregnancy and was on bed rest. I never had [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Melissa Hensley

My name is Melissa Hensley my mother was stationed at George AFB in 1980-1983 so was my father. We lived in Victorville. My mom was a jet engine mechanic she was around trichloroethylene (TCE)  so was my father. My mother was diagnosed in 1981 with endometriosis and by God’s amazing grace got pregnant with me. She worked the line until she was 7 months pregnant [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Bridgette Smith

My name is Bridgette Smith, and my father was stationed at George AFB from 1983- 1991. We moved to Wyoming Ct, off of the flight line, when I was 5 and moved off base when I was 12. As a child, I had constant colds and pneumonia. At 16, I was diagnosed with Coxsackie Virus, which no one had ever heard of. I [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Rachel Grasty-Sheehan

My name is Rachel Grasty-Sheehan. My dad was stationed at George AFB from 1983 to  1989 my dad was an SP, and then he cross trained to Training Management after his back problem got too much for him.  We lived in the base housing. First on Massachusetts Circle and then Wyoming Court. I am not the first family member to have issues, and [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Suzanne Mounce-Arena

My name is Suzanne Mounce-Arena – I was stationed at George AFB from 1986-1991- 35th 20th AMU weapons F-4 I lost two pregnancies [miscarriage] at the base, had to get a hysterectomy in my 20’s, ulcerative colitis, depression, hypertension, graves’ disease (autoimmune), graves ophthalmology (autoimmune), heart problems, emphysema, COPD…….plus more. I am 46 years old, wtf !  Seemed as most broke out on [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Daniel S.

My name is Daniel S – Dates at George AFB 1987-1992 – Active duty, Nav-Aids/ MET-NAV – 2067 COMM Squadron I lived  off and on base the  entire 5 years, some in the barracks, some in base housing. I lived in Adelanto for approximately 1 of those  years. Water quality was very poor. It was a pale brown color, and at times darker. there was visible debris in [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

G. A.

My name is G. A.  In October 1981, at age 17, I was assigned to George AFB, CA (active duty).  I attended a briefing by the base hospital as part of the INTRO program for newly assigned personnel.  During that briefing, females (both military and civilian) were told to consider not getting pregnant while at George, because they had a “high infant mortality rate”.  [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Frank Vera

I voluntarily enlisted in the Air Force during the Vietnam War but was never deployed to Vietnam.  Entering the Air Force, I was physically healthy with no disqualifying defects; reasonably intelligent (Scored a 98% with a category I on the Armed Forces Qualification Test AFQT); of good moral character (Passed an Expanded Background Investigation (EBI) security clearance), and was nuke qualified. I had [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Andrea Asa Sonnenberg

My name is Andrea Asa Sonnenberg, and my father was a career officer in the USAF. For the first 10 years of my life, we lived on base, moving from such diverse areas as Germany, Mississippi, Nebraska and Illinois. My dad retired when I was in my early 20s. This is our story. 1974 – My father enlisted in the USAF. I was born [Read More…]

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George AFB’s Children

  I have received dozens of personal accounts about miscarriages, stillbirths, birth defects, and childhood cancers at George Air Force Base.  Here are some excerpts from these accounts: “When I arrived at the base [George AFB] in Oct 81, they told us during our inbrief that there was a high infant mortality rate and females should consider NOT getting pregnant while assigned there.” G. [Read More…]