In 1971, George AFB was notified by HQ USAF that its radioactive waste burial sites were to be accounted for, fenced off, and clearly marked. They were not.
1. The disposition of solid radioactive waste is strictly controlled in accordance with Technical Order 00-110N-2, “Radioactive Waste Disposal.” The Technical Order provides for the San Antonio Air Material Area to act as the coordinating agency between field activities and Air Force disposal contractors in all matters relating to radioactive waste disposal. Land burial is not authorized without specific approval of the USAF Radioisotope Committee, AFLC.
2. For a number of years, land burial was authorized and Technical Order 00-110A-1, 25 May 1956, specified procedural to be followed including identification of the location on appropriate maps and fencing to prevent the entry of unauthorized personnel (Atch 1). Land burial was prohibited in subsequent editions of the Technical Order, but procedures to be followed for maintaining burial sites already in existence were not specified.
3. In keeping with a continuing responsibility of radiological safety, it is imperative that the location of existing sites be identified in the Base Master Flan (Tab C-1) and that a copy of this annotated Tab be provided to the USAF Radioisotope Committee (AFLC/SGFB, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433). All available details concerning the construction of the disposal well, waste container, depth of burial, contents, or other applicable data should accompany the Tab C submission. Tab A should be revised to include this historical data.
4. Because it is possible that the only records of a disposal site will exist in the memory of various personnel, it is requested that knowledge of a disposal site on any Air Force base be included in the submitted data. Approximate location and material disposed should be included, if known.
5. Replies should be forward to reach the USAF Radioisotope Committee no later than 96 days from the date of this letter. Negative replies are required.
6. Subsequent to receipt of the requested information, the USAF Radioisotope Committee will provide instructions concerning the maintenance of the burial sites.
This document was OCRed and may contain typoes please see origonal record. HQ USAF survey letter (Radioactive Waste Disposal, Hq, SCN 71-28, 19 Feb 71)
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