Veterans And Their Families Are Being Denied Their Constitutional Right To Due Process
Like millions of veterans, I agreed to temporarily set aside our constitutional rights and protections during our enlistment or commission in the military and fall under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Our constitutional rights and protections were supposed to be restored when we were discharged. They were not. The Department of Veterans Affairs acts as the Worker’s Compensation provider for the [Read More…]
The Downs Law Group
If you or a loved one have health issues due to PFAS exposure after time spent in the military, contact The Downs Law Group for a FREE case review. The manufacturers of PFAS may owe you compensation! The Downs Law Group employs attorneys accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs to assist those who have served nationwide. Call (305) 444-8226 or visit DOWNSLAWGROUP.COM [Read More…]
Federal Agencies Can And Do Lie
FOIA 5 USC 552(c) exempts information from disclosure. For some national security (nuclear weapons – 91b radioactive material) & law enforcement content, the agency can legally lie to you about its nonexistence, 5 USC 552(c) – on top of Glomar (“can’t confirm or deny”) responses. To avoid both of these scenarios, exclusions authorize the agency to “treat the records as not subject to [Read More…]
The Department of Defense (DoD) and the Air Force were aware of the contamination at the former George Air Force Base, CA, for decades before the base was closed on December 15, 1992. The DoD and Air Force failed to remediate the contamination, prevent exposure, or notify the Air Force personnel of their possible exposure to hazardous, toxic, and/or radioactive materials that were improperly stored, disposed of, or released. These acts rise to the level of intentional exposure, triggering the declassification review provision outlined in the DECLASSIFICATION BY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OF CERTAIN INCIDENTS OF EXPOSURE OF MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES TO TOXIC SUBSTANCES Pub. L. 115–91, div. A, title VII, §737, Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1445. [Read More…]
Did the DoD force the US EPA to remove any reference to the radioactive contamination at George AFB?
Why did the US EPA, the agency charged with protecting the environment and public health, remove any reference to the radioactive contamination at George Air Force Base from its website? George AFB’s southeast disposal areas (SEDA) radioactive disposal site is only ¼ mile upstream of the supply wells for George AFB, Adelanto, private homes, and ranches, posed a significant threat to the local [Read More…]
Lisa Lee
I was on active duty at George AFB as a Communication/Navigation Sys. Tech from 78-80. I became pregnant in September of 1979. My pregnancy was filled with hospital visits, and I was sent to Edwards AFB on two occasions because they lost the heartbeat. Nobody ever mentioned any toxic exposure issues at George. My daughter was diagnosed with bi phenotypical leukemia and died [Read More…]
Chemical Weapons at the Victorville Army Airfield – George AFB
If you worked at George Air Force Base’s bomb dump, trained in the Southeast Disposal Area (SEDA), or rode dirt bikes on the base’s motocross (Mx) track, all of which were located south of Air Base Rd. In that case, you may have been exposed to unsafe levels of Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) and Chemical Warfare Materials (CWM). These highly hazardous materials were [Read More…]
FOIA Request – Air Force
Request Number Description Total Invoice Amount Status 2023-05198-F Please conduct a thorough search for responsive records, and provide an unredacted copy of the George Air Force Base Civil Engineer’s Base Master Plan (BMP), including all revisions, appendixes, and tabs. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/1950 To 01/01/1993) 0 Assigned for Processing 2023-05197-F Please conduct a thorough search for responsive records, and provide [Read More…]
Environmental Statutes and Executive Orders
The former Victorville Army Air Field/Victorville Air Force Base/George Air Force Base (George AFB) is a Superfund site (EPA ID: CA2570024453) and one of the most contaminated military bases in the country. The following is a list of Executive Orders and federal environmental laws most likely violated. Executive Orders EO 11258 – on November 17, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Executive Order—Prevention, [Read More…]
An open letter from the Gomez Trial Attorneys to Senators Feinstein and Padilla
Re: Robert Anderson, et al v. The United States of America 2:21-cv-09102-VAP-PD Dear Senators Feinstein and Padilla, We represent individuals and families whose lives have been devastated by our Nation’s failure to warn them of the dangers of exposure to hazardous materials and waste while they lived and/or worked on the former George Air Force Base. Unfortunately, these families are not alone. There [Read More…]
The former Victorville Army Airfield/Victorville Air Force Base/George Air Force Base (George AFB) is a Superfund site and one of the most contaminated military bases in the country. From 1941 to 1992 (51 years), over 100,000 people were potentially exposed to unsafe levels of hazardous, toxic, and radioactive materials on and around George AFB. About 20,000 people lived in the surrounding community, and [Read More…]
My name is Faye. My stepfather SSgt. Norman Hill was stationed at George AFB from approx. 1962 to 1965. I don’t remember the squadron only that he worked on the flight line. My mom worked on base at the exchange. We lived in Victorville, I believe it was Hesperia Rd. I came to live with them around 1963 when I was a teen. [Read More…]
George AFB’s Flawed Public Health Assessment (PHA)
The Air Force deliberately misled the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), Congress, and the American people about the toxic substances present at George AFB, CA. They failed to disclose the Completed Exposure Pathways (CEPs) and potential health threats to base personnel, their family members, civilian employees, and the surrounding community. The ATSDR relied on the Air Force to supply the [Read More…]
William R. Mastro
My name is Staff Sergeant William R. Mastro. I was stationed at George AFB from 1976 through 1979 and was assigned to the 561st Tactical Fighter Squadron, 563rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, and the 35th Tactical Fighter Wing. My Air Force Specialty Code was 70250B. I was assigned to and worked in several buildings on the flight-line. I lived in the base barracks for [Read More…]
Melba George
My name is Melba George and I was stationed at George AFB from 1989-1991 and worked in the 35th Supply Squadron. I was pregnant and had my daughter there in 1990. I lived in the dorms until I gave birth to my daughter and then lived in base housing at 144 Oregon until I relocated to another base. I was heated and cooled [Read More…]
Beth Hack
My name is Beth Hack and I lived on GAFB from 1961-1968 as a dependent with six brothers and sisters. I am the oldest. My two youngest sisters were born there in 1963 and 1965. I looked up 11 of the bases we lived on including a sister born at Spangdalem AFB in Germany, and a brother born in France. Every base we [Read More…]
Dewey Lowman
My name is Dewey Lowman. I was stationed at George AFB from 1982 to 1989, assigned to the 37th CRS Squadron and then the 35th CRS Squadron. My Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) was 328X4. I worked in the Component Repair building and the 37th CRS mobility building. I lived in the 37 CRS dormitory from 1982 to 1984 then at 3 Cory [Read More…]
Did the Air Force supply contaminated water to Adelanto and George AFB?
Did the Air Force supply contaminated water to Adelanto and George AFB and contaminate the aquifer used by the public? Yes Three contaminated sites threatened the supply wells for George AFB, Adelanto, and private homes and ranches via soil contamination leaching into the aquifer: 1) the Southeast Disposal Area (SEDA), 2) the George AFB Golf Course, and 3) the Base Family Housing. It [Read More…]
Is the VA defrauding atomic veterans of medical care and compensation for their SC injuries
Is the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) defrauding atomic veterans and their families of medical care and compensation for the veteran’s service-connected (SC) injuries? Over one hundred thousand military personnel and veterans were exposed to highly classified radioactive material from the Department of Defense’s (DoD) nuclear reactors or nuclear weapons or subjected to DoD or VA’s radiation research. See: military personnel and veterans [Read More…]
The Gomez Trial Attorneys
The Gomez Trial Attorneys just filed a case against the Air Force. If you or a family member was injured at the Air Force Superfund site, George Air Force Base, CA, the Gomez Trial Attorneys might be able to help. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with them for a case evaluation. Gomez Trial Attorneys, Accident & Injury Lawyers 655 West Broadway, Suite [Read More…]
Cushman v. Shinseki, 576 F.3d 1290 (Fed. Cir. 2009)
In 2009, the Federal Circuit held in Cushman v. Shinseki that applicants for veterans‘ benefits have a constitutionally protected property interest in their application for benefits. Accordingly, such applicants are entitled to constitutionally prescribed procedures in connection with their claims for benefits under the terms of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Ninth Circuit also found that Mr. Cushman’s medical record had been [Read More…]
Ruth McIntosh
I was stationed at George AFB in 1986. I was only there five months before being flown out Airevac to Wilford Hall hospital at Lackland AFB, Texas. I don’t know where to begin. I was a nurse in the Labor and Delivery and Postpartum unit. The behavior of the people I worked with was insane and I believe there’s evidence that my Chief [Read More…]
Primer On Federal Facility Compliance With Environmental Laws: Where Do We Go From Here?
Look, Buster, don’t bug me with your crap about permits. I’m building nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, some of the worst [environmental] offenders are our own federal facilities. As President, I will insist that in the future federal agencies meet or exceed environmental standards: The government should live within the laws it imposes on others. Pollution caused by facilities owned or operated by various federal [Read More…]
DoDs Opportunity To Clean Up Its Hazardous Waste Act
ABSTRACT: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980 was enacted to address the serious problem of hazardous waste contamination in the United States. Although the program has achieved some success, it has failed to achieve its primary purpose – the permanent cleanup of inactive and abandoned hazardous waste sites. With the taxing authority of CERCLA set to expire on [Read More…]
Clarence Tomnitz
I was stationed at George AFB, 71-73, as a crew chief on the F4. I lived in the barracks and always thought the water tasted funny, however as a country boy; I blamed it on city water. As I am getting older, my health has for sure started to decline. I have tumors all over my body. I shake so bad that I [Read More…]
I am not, nor have I ever, been associated with Lisa Marie Tichenor’s (aka Lisa McCrea Tichenor, Lisa McCrea) group, “Military Accountability and Transparency Alliance” (MAATA). I have retained Value-add Health Services to represent my family and me in connection with our claims against DOD and/or Air Force arising from my time at George Air Force Base, CA. I am pleased with Value-add [Read More…]
Scott Wilson
I was stationed at George AFB from 1979-82 and I was a firefighter. I lived in the dorms. No government agency notified me of the problems there, I stumbled across this info by accident. So far I have had Gallbladder issues, finally removal, and also liver problems. I have a daughter that has autoimmune issue, heart issues, and mast cell issues. I have [Read More…]
Peggy Dorman-Ramos
My husband was stationed at George AFB in 1991-1992, just over 10 months, during the shut-down/turn-over phase. They at one point required we line up for bottled water because ‘over fluoridation in the base water supply that’ll turn your teeth brown’. I was pregnant at the time and gave birth off-base. I had a hard pregnancy & developed SLE lupus while there, undiagnosed [Read More…]
I am requesting a complete and unredacted copy of the contents of the administrative tracking/processing/handling file/folder, including but not limited to notes, memos, and other records, along with any related emails, associated with FOIA Request (or Appeal) Number XXXXX²
Steven Adams
My name is Steven Adams and I was stationed at GAFB from April 1975 until July 1978. I was assigned to the 35th Security Police Squadron as an 81152. I lived in the barracks for approximately a year before moving off base. We were notified on several occasions to drink bottled water because of issues with the drinking water but never given anything [Read More…]
DoD – Report to the Congress Perchlorate in the Southwestern United States
In 2005, the DoD/Air Force deliberately misled Congress about the possibility of perchlorate from George AFB contaminating the aquifer used for drinking and irrigation water. As early as 1982, the DoD knew that there were several sources for perchlorate contamination in the Southeast Disposal Area (SDEA). The SEDA is about a ¼ mile upstream of the drinking and irrigation water supply wells for [Read More…]
Gary J Lopresti
My name is Gary J Lopresti, I was stationed at GAFB from 1969 to 1973. I was assigned to the 434th TAC Squadron as Environmental Systems Specialist. I was exposed to TCE, Benzenes, Exhaust fumes, and many other toxicants over the years while I was stationed. My wife, daughter and I lived on base for two years. I myself had lived on base [Read More…]
William Holley
My name is William Holley. I was stationed at George AFB from 1980 through 1983 and from 1988 through 1991, base closing was in discussion at the time. I was reassigned to Edwards AFB in 1991. I was assigned to 21st Tactical Training Squadron and 29th TASS and lived in dormitory and base housing during my two tours there. Always experienced headaches, tiredness and [Read More…]
Legacy Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Wastes – Press Kit
There is an under-reported news story about radioactive contamination at Air Force bases that were closed and transferred to the public by the Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC). Every base where legacy nuclear weapons (early-generation) were deployed (Bomber, Fighter Interceptor Squadrons (FIS), Nike Ajax, BOMARC Missile, ICBM), were maintained, or decommissioned, is potentially contaminated with highly classified 91(b) radioactive material (RAM) from [Read More…]
SAIC Admits To Falsifying Radiological Testing Results At George AFB
In 1991, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) pleaded guilty to defrauding the government by falsifying testing of samples at DoD Superfund sites. SAIC was responsible for the radiological testing done at George AFB’s Weapons Storage and Assembly Area (WSA) and radioactive disposal site (RW-09). Air Force acknowledged that it routinely withheld classified information and records about Buried Radioactive Weapons Maintenance Waste at its [Read More…]
Law Firms Specialising in Class Actions Lawsuits
The following law firms have offices in California and were rated as the Best Law Firms for Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions by US News. Andrus Anderson LLP Baum Hedlund Law Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, LLP Engstrom, Lipscomb & Lack Girard Sharp Girardi | Keese Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP Lopez McHugh LLP Panish Shea & Boyle LLP Quadra & Coll [Read More…]
2017-07-01 AF – Technical Guidebook to Permitting, Investigations, and Remedial Actions on Air Force Section 91b Radiological Sites
Headquarters, Air Force Safety Center, Weapons Safety Division, has the responsibility to permit Air Force organizations possessing Section 91b of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 radioactive materials. The primary radioactive materials involved are residuals from: a) nuclear weapons accidents, b) buried nuclear weapons wastes, c) interior surfaces of nuclear weapon storage and maintenance structures, d) AF nuclear reactors, and e) airborne sampling [Read More…]
Cushman v. Soc. Sec. Admin.
Meanwhile, Mr. Cushman filed a civil action in the United States District Court for the District of Oregon regarding the denial of his social security disability claim. The district court remanded Mr. Cushman’s case for further evaluation by the Social Security Office. Mr. Cushman appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. In April of 2006, [Read More…]
PHILIP E. CUSHMAN,Claimant-Appellant,v.ERIC K. SHINSEKI, Secretary of Veterans Affairs,Respondent-Appellee.Kevin A. Calia, Morrison & Foerster LLP, of San Francisco, California, argued for claimant-appellant.Martin F. Hockey, Jr., Assistant Director, Commercial Litigation Branch, Civil Division, United States Department of Justice, of Washington, DC, argued for respondent-appellee. With him on the brief were Jeanne E. Davidson, Director, and Allison Kidd-Miller, Trial Attorney. Of counsel on the brief [Read More…]
2019-01-02 USEPA – request for satellite images, aerial photographs, and analysis of George AFB
I request a complete and unredacted copy, printout, or export of all satellite images, aerial photographs, AND analysis of the satellite images, aerial photographs of the EPA Superfund site CA2570024453 (former George Air Force Base, CA) and sounding area. Please conduct a comprehensive search for the requested records in possession of the US EPA, US Government archive, and US Government contractor. I would like to receive the information electronically, by secure download if available, e-mail attachment, CD-ROM or thumb drive if not.I agree to pay reasonable fees for the processing of this request up to $25. Please notify me before incurring any expenses more than $25. [Read More…]
The term “91(b)” refers to highly classified radioactive material (RAM) covered under Section 91(b) of the Atomic Energy Act (AEA) of 1954 associated with current nuclear weapons material, legacy nuclear weapons maintenance wastes, residuals from nuclear weapons accident/incidents, some residuals from atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, and residuals from nuclear reactor operations. 1.2.3. Installations located in the United States that possess residual 91(b) [Read More…]
Nuclear Weapons at George AFB
George AFB was one of 35 bases that had Fighter Interceptor Squadrons with air-to-air nuclear weapons for stopping enemy bomber attacks. Because the early generation nuclear weapons (non-sealed pit) required regular onsite maintenance, a considerable amount of radioactive contamination/waste would be generated during the polonium-beryllium (Po-Be) initiators’ replacement operation. The Air Force has repeatedly denied that there were any nuclear weapons at George [Read More…]
2018-09-26 GAO – Status of DOD Efforts to Address Drinking Water Contaminants Used in Firefighting Foam
The GAO report “Status of DOD Efforts to Address Drinking Water Contaminants Used in Firefighting Foam” fails to address the known PFOA and PFOS contamination of the soil and groundwater at the DoD Superfund site George Air Force Base, CA “EPA Superfund ID: CA2570024453.” Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs or what is now called PFOA and PFOS) were detected as high as 5,396 parts per [Read More…]
George Gibson
My name is George Gibson. I am a dependent of Paul Gibson. My dad and family lived at 153 Oregon Street From 1969-72. My Dad was a career Airman from 1955-75. He achieved the rank of Ssgt and his mos was communications/cryptography. I remember George AFB as one of the best times of my life. Not knowing what was ahead of my life [Read More…]
Neil Rosen
I was stationed at George AFB, CA from December 1976 to July 1981 (4 1/2 years). I have had numerous health issues since being stationed there. During my time there, I swam in the base pool, drank the water, showered in the water on base, and ate food prepared with that water in the base cow halls. I lived in the old WWII [Read More…]
3 Request Rule – FOIA Request
If 3+ people request the same records from an agency, the agency has to make those records proactively & electronically public. This was formalized in the FOIA Improvement Act, from what used to be standard policy for “frequently requested records”. 5 USC 552(a)(2)(D)(ii)(II) “(2) Each agency, in accordance with published rules, shall make available for public inspection in an electronic format— … D) [Read More…]
JoAnn Long
My name is JoAnn Long. I lived in Adelanto from 1977-1978 then I was stationed at George AFB from mid-1978 to June 1981, assigned to the 35th Aero Squadron. My Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) was 60350. I worked in Transportation. I lived in the base housing and Adelanto from March 1977 to June 1981. I was never told by the Air Force [Read More…]
Jessica R. Barnes
My name is Jessica R. Barnes my Grand Father was Stationed at George AFB Francis S. Zoldak Jr was stationed at George AFB from 1972 to 1979. My mom as a dependent lived in the base housing, on Michigan Ave, from 1972 to 1979. My grandfather was exposed to gas, grease, mechanic chemicals, fire chemicals, any chemicals that had to do with the [Read More…]
Military Base Has Legacy of Pesticide and Other Toxic Chemical Exposure and Harm
Don’t get pregnant at George Air Force Base’” was the advice imparted from one female Air Force member to another in 1975 at that base, located 100+ miles north of San Diego and used as an active military site from 1941–1992. From the start of their service at George AFB, both parties to this conversation came to be familiar with the shared horror stories of repeated infections, vaginal bleeding, ovarian cysts, uterine tumors, birth defects, and miscarriages among female Air Force members at the site. [Read More…]
Joyce B
My name is Joyce B and I lived at 542 Utah & worked (AFB Commissary) on George AFB from 1985 to 1987 with my enlisted husband & two boys. I divorced my husband & remarried. Became pregnant in Sept 1988 and was employed on base as a Civil Servant working for Civil Engineering until April 1989. I also lived in base housing while I was [Read More…]
Victorville prison where immigrant detainees held built atop toxic Superfund site
It was early July 1988 when Rennie Auiler, the 28-year-old wife of an airman, sat in a hospital examination room at George Air Force Base waiting for a routine checkup.
Having given birth six weeks earlier to a premature 6-pound girl following a difficult pregnancy marked by acute morning sickness, she sought assurance from her physician that her next baby would come easier.
Instead, the prognosis stunned her. [Read More…]
George AFB’s West Winds Golf Course
If you played (as a child), lived next to, played golf, or worked at the West Winds Golf Course from 1965 to 1981, you were most likely exposed to unsafe levels of partially treated sewage and industrial waste containing known carcinogens. Before 1965, George AFB discharged its industrial waste into the Mojave River. On November 17, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Executive [Read More…]
USGS Topographic Quadrangle Maps
Geological Survey (USGS) Adelanto Quadrangle California San Bernardino County 7.5 Minute Series USGS Topographic Map 1993 Victorville Quadrangle California San Bernardino County 7.5 Minute Series USGS Topographic Map 1993 Search for “George AFB” USGS Map Locator
How Prisons Are Poisoning Their Inmates
Last month, ICE transferred 1,000 undocumented immigrants to the Victorville Federal Correctional Complex in Southern California. FCI Victorville is built on a Superfund site [George Air Force Base], and according to the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Board, industrial solvents like trichloroethylene, pesticides like dieldrin and aldrin, and chemicals from jet fuel have contaminated the region’s water supply. [Read More…]
April Mandeville
My name in April Mandeville and I was born at George Air Force Base in 1984 while my parents were stationed there from 1983-1989. My dad worked as SP flight chief next to the flight line then cross-trained to training management. I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism at the age of 16 and had to have one of my para-thyroids removed along with the kidney [Read More…]
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