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George AFB Health Registry

Lisa Lee

I was on active duty at George AFB as a Communication/Navigation Sys. Tech from 78-80. I became pregnant in September of 1979. My pregnancy was filled with hospital visits, and I was sent to Edwards AFB on two occasions because they lost the heartbeat. Nobody ever mentioned any toxic exposure issues at George. My daughter was diagnosed with bi phenotypical leukemia and died [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Peggy Dorman-Ramos

My husband was stationed at George AFB in 1991-1992, just over 10 months, during the shut-down/turn-over phase. They at one point required we line up for bottled water because ‘over fluoridation in the base water supply that’ll turn your teeth brown’. I was pregnant at the time and gave birth off-base. I had a hard pregnancy & developed SLE lupus while there, undiagnosed [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Stacie C.

I was born at GAFB in 1988 and lived there til 1992. I’ve had numerous issues including endometriosis, miscarriage, complicated pregnancies and births, migraines, thyroid issues, and blood clots. Two of my children have colitis as well.

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George AFB Health Registry

Lisa McCrea

My name is  Lisa McCrea, I arrived at GAFB a normal, healthy woman in 1987 but, certainly didn’t leave that way. I suffered a horrible miscarriage with my first pregnancy and nearly died at 4 months pregnant.I was one of the women sent home to bleed out. I had to have emergency surgery to stop the bleeding and they found that my uterus [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

C. Wilkinson

I arrived in Fall of 1984 and I had heard from people that they were telling women not to get pregnant. So when I got pregnant in 1985 I was told by the doctor at 4 weeks to not get attached because I was going to lose my baby. I bled through my entire pregnancy and was on bed rest. I never had [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Bridgette Smith

My name is Bridgette Smith, and my father was stationed at George AFB from 1983- 1991. We moved to Wyoming Ct, off of the flight line, when I was 5 and moved off base when I was 12. As a child, I had constant colds and pneumonia. At 16, I was diagnosed with Coxsackie Virus, which no one had ever heard of. I [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Rachel Grasty-Sheehan

My name is Rachel Grasty-Sheehan. My dad was stationed at George AFB from 1983 to  1989 my dad was an SP, and then he cross trained to Training Management after his back problem got too much for him.  We lived in the base housing. First on Massachusetts Circle and then Wyoming Court. I am not the first family member to have issues, and [Read More…]