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George AFB Health Registry

Melba George

My name is Melba George and I was stationed at George AFB from 1989-1991 and worked in the 35th Supply Squadron. I was pregnant and had my daughter there in 1990. I lived in the dorms until I gave birth to my daughter and then lived in base housing at 144 Oregon until I relocated to another base. I was heated and cooled [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Tresa Sticker

My name is Tresa Sticker.  I was stationed at George AFB from 1979 to 1984, assigned to the 561st TFS; 562nd TFS; and the 39th TFS Squadron’s.  My Air Force Specialty Code was 271X2 Squadron Operations Specialist. I worked in those squadron buildings along the flight line. I lived in the base housing from 1981 to 1986. I do not know if I [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Ruth (Dean) Klonowski

My name is Ruth (Dean) Klonowski.  I was stationed at George AFB from 1987 to 1991, assigned to the 35th Tactical Fighter Wing, 21st TFS.  I worked as a Communication and Navigation Systems Specialist on the flight line. I lived in the barracks and dorms, and in Adelanto.  I remember during base orientation (January 1988) we were told not to get pregnant, it [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Deborah A. Lord

My father was stationed at George AFB from 1972 till we left in 1979.  We lived in Base Family Housing on Michigan Ave across from the flight line. I am a dependent, so I went to school on base, to the pool, exploring the wide-open range and pretty sure places where I should not have been! Played in the dirt. Dug holes, tried [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Kelly (Nabors) Beck

My father, Victor Nabors, was stationed at George AFB in the early 80’s.  We lived in the George AFB Family Housing for approximately 3 years on Alabama Court. I attended the elementary school on base.  While we were stationed there, I become violently ill every year was hospitalized several times with pneumonia.  I was diagnosed with asthma while there and placed on numerous [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Kandi W.

My name is Kandi W., I moved to George Air Force Base in 1988. My husband Brian and I lived there until 1991. Before moving on base, and we lived in Adelanto for a year and a half then moved to Victorville for a year. My husband was in the fire department and I took him dinner on the nights he was on [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Stacie C.

I was born at GAFB in 1988 and lived there til 1992. I’ve had numerous issues including endometriosis, miscarriage, complicated pregnancies and births, migraines, thyroid issues, and blood clots. Two of my children have colitis as well.

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George AFB Health Registry

Misty D

My name is Misty D. My father, (Jamie D) retired as E-6 Master Instructor, Electronic Warfare, was stationed at George Air Force Base from 1980-1989. I was conceived and delivered at GAFB, and we lived in GAFB Family Housing until I was 6. My father passed away a few months ago from esophageal cancer. Before he died he added me to your Facebook [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Martin Rigg

My name is Martin Rigg, I was stationed at George Air Force Base from 1971-1972 and lived in the enlisted barracks across the street from the Airman’s Club. I worked in the 35th CES Fire Department George AFB CA and I just recently learned about the nuclear waste on the base.  As part of my training I put out fires in the burn [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Lisa McCrea

My name is  Lisa McCrea, I arrived at GAFB a normal, healthy woman in 1987 but, certainly didn’t leave that way. I suffered a horrible miscarriage with my first pregnancy and nearly died at 4 months pregnant.I was one of the women sent home to bleed out. I had to have emergency surgery to stop the bleeding and they found that my uterus [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Lorie Clark

My name is Lorie Clark, I was stationed at George AFB from 1980-1983. I lived in base housing from 1981-1983. My husband at the time and two daughters lived there. One was born at the hospital and the other in Apple Valley. I have the following health issues: Low Thyroid (hypothyroidism) and medicated for life, Endometriosis, Uterine and Breast Fibroids, Raynaud’s Syndrome, Migraines, Osteopenia [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

D. G.

My name is D. G., I lived at George AFB as a child of an active duty soldier. I lived there from 83 to 91, at 238 Oregon St. I/m 36 years of age and suffer from equilibrium/balance issues. Uneven hearing loss, tinnitus, migraines, depression, and anxiety. No one in my family suffers from all these issues. The current hypothesis is that I have [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Frank Vera

I voluntarily enlisted in the Air Force during the Vietnam War but was never deployed to Vietnam.  Entering the Air Force, I was physically healthy with no disqualifying defects; reasonably intelligent (Scored a 98% with a category I on the Armed Forces Qualification Test AFQT); of good moral character (Passed an Expanded Background Investigation (EBI) security clearance), and was nuke qualified.   I had [Read More…]

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George AFB Health Registry

Andrea Asa Sonnenberg

My name is Andrea Asa Sonnenberg, and my father was a career officer in the USAF. For the first 10 years of my life, we lived on base, moving from such diverse areas as Germany, Mississippi, Nebraska and Illinois. My dad retired when I was in my early 20s. This is our story. 1974 – My father enlisted in the USAF. I was born [Read More…]